Monday 16 January 2012


Date  : 15th January 2012
Location : Stadium UPM, Serdang, Kuala Lumpur
Distance : 10km (9.93km by Garmin GPS)
Medal : Finisher for All

Official Result : click here

Men Open :
48.41 - Tan Lay Yong, (Position : 67/1359)
1'02.54 - Jason Toh
1'09.58 - Leonard Lee
1'12.35 - Denver Keong
1'25.22 - Sunny Lee
1'38.12 - Edward Siew

Men Junior Veteran :
49'47 - Shankar Raj, (Position : 42/280)
1'00.04 - Satiyaselan, (Position :125/280)
1'15.51 - Ravindran Raman (Position : 243/280)
Check out some of the photos found online;
This is the third race of the year 2012 for some of us and the finale one before the Chinese New Year holiday.  I would say that the hills encountered in this run were less torturing than the ones at Malakoff run but the final stretch of the hill towards (... it felt like climbing a cliff) turning into the stadium was a KILLER.

Overall,  IT WAS AN AWESOME RUN !!!!
We have 9 gang members taking part in this race .....a record for CoolPacer for having the highest participation in a road run and everyone enjoyed everybit of it.
Jason Toh

Denver Keong

Sunny Lee

Edward Siew

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